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#31 -The Cornwalls Cabin

From the book written in 1998.... 

Sam Cornwall first visited Buccaneer Bay about 1895. He was on a sailboat cruise with Mr. Gravely, the owner of the boat, and Frank Cornwall and Burt Holland. Shortly after that trip, they came to camp and erected tents in front of Gordon Davidsons.   Two or three years later they moved to their present location. At one point in time there were seven families, camping approximately together, all related to the Leek family. Grandfather and Grandmother Leek stayed with Holton Leek. Originally they were all in tents, later to be improved with wooden floors. The next step was an all wooden kitchen, and later a wooden roof over the sleeping portion with the sides partially made of wood.


In 1931, during the depression George and Bill Cornwall were unable to get summer employment while attending university and it was then decided to build the present cot­tage. It was designed by George and framed by Mr. McCulloch. The floors, doors, windows, and partitions were done by George and Bill together with Sam Cornwall.

When my father died, the cottage was shared by my sister May, my brother George and myself. Sometime later my sister sold out to me and later I bought my brother's portion. At this time no one had more than a one year lease so continuity of occupancy was uncertain.


In later years, alterations were made by including the front porch into the living room and the side porch used as bedrooms were enclosed to permit their use off season. A bathroom was installed and the kitchen wall was removed to permit us more open living space.


The family is now into the sixth generation at Buccaneer Bay.

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